Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The Production of Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The issue of Fashion - Essay ExampleThe essay The Production of Fashion focuses on the alteration of the characteristics of fashion industriousness under the influence of branding, as related to the changes on consumer preferences worldwide. The review of appropriate literature has revealed that brands developed in the fashion industry have led to the distinction of the industrys trends, including the use of superseded garments. It is as well proved that the structure and the characteristics of the fashion system quit the involution of the above trend by focusing on increase of their profitability, industrys brands had to increase productivity, notwithstanding if quality was decreased, more or less. Moreover, it could be supported that the increase of demand worldwide would not allow the industrys brands to follow a different strategy, an issue that it is critically discussed below. The fashion industry, as firearm of the economy, is quite complex. Apart from a system for the achievement of profits, the fashion industry can be also characterized as a framework for the development of culture. In this context, the industrys development is not an sonant task. Influenced by economic recessions and changes in consumption trends, the fashion industry has suffered strong pressures that have caused the limitation of the industrys profitability. For example, reference can be made to the industrys workforce in the UK for the diaphragm 1996-1997 which was estimated to 150,000 workers, a number rather low if taking into consideration the size of the particular market.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Deregulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
deregulating - Research Paper exemplificationA good example of deregulation is the airline and the telecommunications industries in most countries including Europe and United States. deregulation often arise from economic agents who identify failures and problems in their regulatory framework, add wring to the norms shaking the breathing rules of game through institutionalized and legitimized logics change. As mentivirtuosod by Collier and European University Institute (1998, p. 3), two forces that deal been key in hotheaded pressure for change in industries that generate embraced deregulation are the move up concern about negative impacts of economic regulation particularly on industries competitiveness, this has resulted in the drive for deregulation that focuses on the liberalization of the industrial sectors and privatization of some of the state-owned firms. Emphasis has particularly been on breaking monopoly powers and enhancing challenger, while this has been critical , it has in like manner been important for governments to identify the environmental implications of deregulation in sectors like energy where free market forces and competition influences technology as well as fuel prices. The other factor that has been key in driving deregulation has been the command-and-control measures of environment and their effectiveness that have been highly scrutinized. Government intervention with policies and standard has been viewed as shy(predicate) and too lax and this has driven the need for deregulation. Deregulation of the airline industry Airline market was one of the heavily regulated public utilities in the past few decades. Regulatory reform has been central in most countries economic policy trend since mid-1970s, airline deregulation rose from the failures of countries to arrive at multi-lateral closing on pricing, traffic rights, and capacity mainly in Geneva in 1947, and in Chicago in 1944 that mirrored the protectionist policies and rules that hindered entrepreneurial and competition activities (Winston 1263). Regulation of the mentioned aspects therefore became central in bilaterally symmetrical negotiations held by governments and airlines, these negotiations have seen dramatic changes whereby traffic rights are settled by states bilateral agreements, control of frequencies and capacity became subject to bilateral state agreements or to inter-airline agreements, tariffs setting came to be through with(p) by the International Airline Transport connexion (the IATA). Airline industry in Europe is one of such cases in the economic policy reforms. Deregulation began as essential economic decisions concerning traffic rights (entry), capacities as well as pricing were ruled by either suppliers (representatives) or the governments. U.K and U.S signed the 1946 Bermuda agreement that opened for future agreements increasing freedom rights and ending the relative frequency and capacity controls (Collier and European Unive rsity Institute 13). Bermuda agreement did not explicitly indicate that tariffs setting were to be done by IATA, in 1978, U.S. signed the act on domestic airline deregulation and this put pressure to the international airline regulatory system resulting in various bilateral negotia
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Financial Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Financial analytic thinking - Essay ExampleThey will have to use some money and time before convalescent and making sales.Barriers to entre are conditions that stop or obstruct a potential competitors ambition to put down in the market. Several barriers to entry exist in other industries that allow certain firms to operate as a monopoly. Legal restrictions and licensing requirements from the government can restrict domestic or international competition (Dilek and Colakoglu, 2013). In addition, brand loyalty provides a barrier to entry, for instance, through product differentiation. It is difficult for people to compete with a valued brand like Coca Cola. The ability to control natural resources is another barrier to entry that facilitates a monopolistic market (Dilek and Colakoglu, 2013). For example, diamond-mining companies, such as De Beers, keep the value of diamonds high because they allow merely limited mining of the natural resource.Fortunately, the barriers are contestab le because other players in the market see the potential in the market and can fight for a place. Market forces are dominant enough to shimmy a monopoly (Dilek and Colakoglu, 2013). Normally, a monopoly enjoys government protection, and for the case of Forrest, he have no protection, other than the fact that there are no boats. A perfectly competitive market results from a less contestable market. flush so, at times it these barriers are not contestable. A good example is the use of application software program like Microsoft Word. Most people will use it simply because they want to enjoy compatibility with other users and pose fewer challenges in its use. In such a case, the barrier to entry is not
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The Appalachians in North America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Appalachians in North the States - Essay ExampleMitchell., Additionally, the Appalachian good deal ranges as considerably as include ridges and valleys1. Appalachian is a name that is believed to micturate been derived from the Apalachee Indians who were believed to be the pioneers of the place and were mostly woodsmen. Early Appalachian was full of valleys and huge gaps that were not easily navigable thus hindering transportation and various activities. This writing analyses some of the significance of the Appalachian Mountains both in geographical perspective and in the society. The Appalachian Mountains re of great importance as far as recreational matters are concerned since it has numerous parks and also the Appalachian Trail which is mostly use by stout hikers globally. The mountain ranges remain one of the most significant geographical and historical features in the world especially due to its uniqueness and size as well as its old age. perchance if the Appalachians c ould have been located in a contrary place it could still maintain its geographical square up but different cultural and economic influence2. The mountains could not affect the natives or the first settlers equally because thither must have been different cultural background of the settlers. Suppose the Appalachians could have been located in Africa or Asia, initially the name and the culture of people around it would have been traced back to the original African or Asian culture. Even economic and social activities would have either slightly or greatly changed. many of the features of the mountains especially the ice cover and vegetation cover may have also been altered depending on the climate and activities taking place in that particular region3. This is one of the pictures of some of the National Parks establish within the Appalachian region which is known as Shenandoah National Park in the Blue continue Mountains in western Virginia4. Culture of the people living around t he Appalachian Mountains was a mixture of different cultures from England, Scotland and Germany settlers who were seeking land, freedom and new opportunities thus making the region multi-cultural region especially at the new-fang direct age when most people around the world have gone to seek for employment. Some Americans also think that the Appalachians are not well educated and all these could be attributed to the fact that the regions topography could not favor infrastructural development. The Appalachians are not as civilized as other parts of America and are sometimes referred to as hicks, rednecks and hillbillies. The Appalachians greatly consider family values and togetherness5. European settlers greatly influenced the social disruption that also brought about(predicate) environmental disruption especially due to introduction of plants and animals from Europe. The indigenous however initially depended on the blue-chip resources provided by the Appalachia region such as wi ldlife to be hunted, fish from the sparkling rivers as well as logs that helped them in building houses6. There were also some unique cultures such as casual mountain dances practiced by the Appalachians. It is also worth noting that most of the Appalachians could not fully dwell on state because the mountains were rocky and hilly thus hindering their ability to make a living out of farming. This led to some disheartening conditions such as widespread of poverty that eventually led to widespread indisposition infections and malnutrition amongst the population specifically the children7. Economic activities within the Appalachian regions varied from fishing, farming, manufacturing and commerce. There are also famed coals as well as natural gas in the Appalachian plateau as well as
Friday, April 26, 2019
Report on Marks and Spencer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Report on label and Spencer - Essay ExampleThe current liabilities includes tack payables and other payables, borrowings and other financial liabilities, partnership liability to the pension scheme, derivative financial instruments, provisions and current tax liabilities. The ac company had Interest boot debts from external sources of ?2,760.9 million and loans from partners to fund the pension scheme of ?71.9 million. both consist of a mix of a long margin portion and a short term portion which is due within the next 12 months. The table below provides that information for interest bearing or fixed interest debt.. Interest burster Debts Period Partnership loans ? Other Interest gallery Loans ? Total Current 0 482.9 482.9 Non-current 71.9 2,278.0 2349.9 Total 71.9 2,760.9 2832.8 Marks and Spencers Financial Structure The following proportionalitys in the table below will assist in the assessment of Marks and Spencer. Ratio Formulae 2010 2009 Debt Management Debt symmetry (T otal liabilities/Total assets) x 100% (4,967.3/7,153.2)x100% = 69.4% (5,157.5/7,258.1) x 100 = 71% Gearing Ratio Interest Bearing Debts (IBD)/Equity + IBD 2,832.8/5,018.7 = 56.4% 3,200.6/5,301.2 = 60.38% Interest Cover Profit Before Interest and Tax (PBIT)/Interest Expense 852/162.2 = 5 times 870.7/214.5 = 4 times Liquidity Ratio Current proportion Current assets/current liabilities 0.80 0.60 acrimonious Test Ratio Current assets - inventory)/current liabilities 0.47 0.37 Debt Management The debt circumspection proportionalitys indicate how the companys management has managed the debts of the company. According to Brigham (2005) the extent to which debt financing, which is also referred to as financial leverage is used by a unanimous has three implications. Firstly, financing the business using debt will allow share holders to maintain control of the company without increasing their investment in it. Secondly, shareholders returns can be substantially increased if the company ea rns more on investments that are financed with borrowed funds. However, financial risk increases as debt increases. Thirdly, creditors depend on shareholders to provide a margin of safety. consequently the more funds supplied by shareholders the more comfortable they are in doing business with the company. Additionally, the interest outgo which relates to interest charged on borrowed funds is allowable as a deduction for tax purposes. Dividend is non so allowed and is a distribution after tax is deducted. The Debt Ratio The debt ratio is the ratio of append liabilities to total assets and provides information on how much of the funds are provided by sources other than equity. The companys debt ratio is 69.4% for the year ended April 3, 2010. Although this is an improvement over the previous years figure of 71%,. the guideline indicates that a percentage over 50% percent does not augur well. Marks and Spencers debt ratio is unfavourable and indicate problems with its financial s tructure. However, a comparison with the average in the industry in which Marks and Spencer operates is important. The gearing ratio below will provide additional information. The Gearing Ratio The gearing ratio is the portion of interest bearing debts to equity and interest bearing debt. The gearing ratio of 56% suggests that the company has a significant amount of interest bearing debt in its capital structure. The normal threshold of 50% has been exceeded. However, whether the ratio is favourable or not depends on the industry. The ratio for the year ende
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Cyber crime and security affair in e-business Article
Cyber crime and security affair in e-business - Article ExampleThis essay discusses that technology is essential part of business today. The internet has become a backbone and nervous system of business nowadays. Internet is already affecting our lives at home and offices to a great extent. While this dimension improves our lives it withal creates enormous risks. Many individuals and businesses are still not aware(predicate) of the risks posed by internet and the cyber space. The efficiency, complexity and fixture of businesses today are attributed to technology and particularly E commerce. This enormous growth in E commerce provides a chance for internal and external artifice and exploitation. E commerce has become a driving force for world economy barely it also poses a dangerous scenario once it is attacked or hacked. E commerce is vulnerable to cybercrime within seconds. Cyber criminals take gain of loopholes in software and hardware architecture and make big organizations collapse in days. In a Globally networked environment, cybercrime can be initiated from any location across the globe. With the growth in size and speed of organizations, a need arose to make the systems automated and less mutualist on humans. According to McQuade Robert T Morris carried step up first major cybercrime attack on November 2 1988 which resulted in slow down of thousands of computers. He historied that on June 20 2007, Department of defense was attacked by coordinated hackers, as a result it had to leave out down 1500 computers. Assessment of human behavior in an automated world is becoming difficult. Organizations are dependent on outsourcing and do not completely control people who work for them. Organizations are very guarded about cyber attacks however appear helpless in front of expertise displayed by hackers. There is a greater risk to organizations from their own employees and business rivals in addition to hackers. Businesses are continuously improving their systems however there is still a lesser consideration towards privacy, access control and sharing of data. According to Wada and Odulaga (2011) phishing has been a cause of direct loss amounting $1.2 billion in USA for banks and card industry in 2003 (Wada & Odulaga 2011, P 71). There is a need to create awareness amongst businesses, the lack of which is evident from growing number cyber attacks in year 2011. Today cyber risks are increasingly surrounding E commerce. It is evident that organizations are
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Michelle Obama should be one of 2010 most influnce people in TIME Essay
Michelle Obama should be genius of 2010 most influnce people in TIME Magezine - Essay usageJamie Oliver, a chef and founder of the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation believes she is a true revolutionary. Oliver com handsded her for standing firm in her faith that if we all just eat better and move more, then we can fight obesity (Oliver, par.4). First, Obama dedicates a great deal of her time on helping the military families. America is currently engaged in two wars one in Afghanistan and another in Iraq. Both of these war conflicts cause a set of death on Americas fighting men and women. Family members ar away for months at a time on active duty, away from their spouses and children. They are evermore in harms way family members are always waiting beside the phone for the dreaded call. In this great trouble time their families need support and comfort. This is one of the best things that Michelle Obama does. She spent a lot of time working with these families to bring their stories to light and ensure that they are not forgotten in the middle of the news cycle. She knows that they face a lot of problems and are sometimes ignored by the press and by the government. What she wants is a terra firma that testament recognize the sacrifices of those men and women who answer in the arm force to protect the country. Above all, she promotes and helps military families to ensure that they get the respect that they so richly deserve. She makes sure that their monetary needs are met. She encourages them and appreciates them for their family service. Obama is not seeking attention or popularity, still she does it from the good of her heart. She alike encourages everyone to support them and comfort them, while their family is on a mission to fight for the country we love. She allow for tell everyone, we are living free because they are fighting and protecting us. She helped those who are hurt while serving the country. She makes sure they get the proper medical atte ntion that they need. Obama makes sure that the country recognizes the men and women who sacrifice themselves to protect the United States of America. Obama, together with Jill Baden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden recently launched the Joining Forces campaign. jibe to Obama, this campaign is a way of giving back to the military families for their sacrifices. It aims to assist military families who confront grotesque challenges, such as frequently moving or having a parent or spouse at war. Obama realizes the difficulties that military families experience because of their separation from home. She has called on companies to recruit and hire members of the military and their spouses to help them in their financial needs. The three disciplines of concern of the Joining Forces campaign of Obama are in the fields of employment, education and wellness. In the area of education, Joining Forces will help schools to become more responsive to the unique needs of military children and fa milies. It will also promote higher education institutions and programs of military-connected students and expand job-training opportunities for military spouses and veterans (Whitehouse.gov, par.7). In the field of employment, Joining Forces will highlight the workforce potential and expand the employment and career development opportunities of military spouses and veterans. It will also assist employers to create military family-friendly workplaces (Whitehouse.gov, par. 5). Obama believes that the military fami
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2
Leadership - Essay Examplehave devised a jut that exit put up my strengths so that they become my core competency thereby assisting me to survive in this highly completive world. Before shape the development plan I have decided to conduct a SWOT analysis which will economic aid me to recognize those areas that requires special attention. SWOT helped me to understand not only my strengths and weaknesses but also gave a brief idea regarding the opportunities and threat which I am likely to face from the prevailing market scenario. implement the line five forms I have a plan to be the head of gentle Resource Management in nonpareil of a multinational company where I have to give care people from different backgrounds and different cultures. For treatment the job responsibility I need to enhance my leading skill and have to overcome the weaknesses as soon as possible.Considering my strengths and weaknesses I have decided to settle more regarding communication, transformational leadership, managing conflict, and valuing & supporting staffs. I know that my plan is to develop a long term plan so that the existing loopholes can be removed. I decided to make a three year plan within that time I can develop my self and make myself capable of handling the job responsibility of an affective HRM in a multinational company.It is a know fact that to hand success during implementations of a project, the plan should be broken down in small segment and one by one each part should be implemented. After one part of the plan is successfully implemented, I will go to the next one. I also have a plan to fight records of my achievement in form of different charts and flow diagrams. This will be of great importance because with the help of this charts if can understand what I was suppose of attain and what is my objective achievement. The gap between plan and real achievement will help me to understand where the appeares got deviated and what remedial actions need to be taken for smooth progress of the plan.This
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The Management of Corporate Security (To what extent is it important Essay
The Management of Corporate Security (To what extent is it important that security managers have a good understanding of the lat - Essay ExampleIn order for a corporate breastplate to be effective, there has to be an excellent perceptive of the matters that are taking place in the civilization. The party has to be responsive of the surroundings and what is taking place in the general public (McCrie 2006). This paper is spillage to analyze the extend of understanding that security managers have to go in the latest politics, economy, society, technology, ecology and intelligent (P.E.S.T.E.L) trends and developments that shall be seen as important for the corporate security. Cybercrimes Many reports have come out in the recent news that computer has now been a target in committing crimes. These are the kinds of crime that put in use a computer and a network where there are several computers interlinked with one another(prenominal) (Santanam, Sethumadhavan and Virendra 2011). Thes e offences are committed against individuals and in most cases against groups like the messs. It is always the responsibility of any corporation to bring on sure that the security and close functioning of all the companys affairs are tumefy overseen. This is in terms of the continuity, safety and the most importantly the security (Santanam, Sethumadhavan and Virendra 2011). These crimes threaten the security of these companies and also their finances. The issues that are found in this mode of crime are like cracking, copyright infringement et cetera. For the corporations, governments and other non-state bodies that take in these illegal actions, they always engage in espionage, financial theft and some other cross-border crimes (Santanam, Sethumadhavan and Virendra 2011). jibe to Santanam, Sethumadhavan and Virendra (2011), in todays world, things are much connected than before. For a corporation to be fit to engage in its deals and make much profit it needs to have a reliab le communicating channel with the outside world. This raises the risks of falling into theft, fraud and other abuses that are committed in the cyber world where closely all communications are handled (Santanam, Sethumadhavan and Virendra 2011). Therefore, there is crucial importance in understanding the different areas in society like politics and economy at a broader view because as the management of this corporation is becoming more and more reliant on the latest technologies, there is also becoming passing vulnerable to the cyber attacks. Corporate security breaches These occur when the hackers exploit the employees through means of some social engineering science and other scams (Cubbage andBrooks 2012). Since late eighties, computer crimes that have been policy-makingly motivated have been growing rapidly. These kinds of threats grind away from the states and individuals or certain groups that are tired in some political agendas. These is clearly depicted or demonstrated as in 2007 cyber attacks against Estonia (Cubbage andBrooks 2012). There were enormous disruptions to the public service like banking services and some communicating services. The United Kingdom is one of the developed nations that depend on its own instruction infrastructure, as one mode of delivering world power both in the financial realm and political arena. The threat was realized in the year 2008, and it did not only center on the secrets of the state nevertheless also to the commercial and economic interests (Cubbage andBrooks 2012). Owing to these, companies like those that deal with finance,
Monday, April 22, 2019
Kingston Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Kingston Communications - assigning ExampleUsing Porters Five Force Model (http//www.12manage.com/methods_porter_five_forces.html), let us see where the issues may last for Kingston Communications. Porters model states that thefollowing forces can affect how business relates to the rest of the marketplaceThe problem that Kingston had in converting from what was then a traditional telecoms industry using analogue engineering science to modern digital technology was that they did not readily have the expertise, technology or the agreements in place with providers much(prenominal) as British Telecom, in order to compete against established companies, such as Skype and juvenilely, Vonage. Since then there have been a proliferation of VOIP providers. Various wideband providers have included VOIP as part of their assists, when originally all they provided was a dial-up advantage to access the internet, and later broadband. There are now several companies on the market providing int egrated services, including broadband as an add-on as opposed to a primary service as was the case in the recent past. Examples are Sky Television, Orange mobiles, and even BT have got in on the act, by offering digital services alongside their communications offerings. Therefore, Kingston is not alone in feeling the heat of the competition, as others strive to win market share. How this has changed from a few years ago, and especially for Kingston Communications who utilise to have a monopoly on these types of service. Kingston probably recognized this as they acquired companies and organizations that had the technology and the resources available. This would make the novelty easier, but it came at a price. The acquisition of Affiniti, the business communications integrator,Information Services providing contact centre and directory services, cocksure the development of their own broadband services would allow Kingston to compete on a take playing field. 2. Threat of substitute s. With regard to VOIP, a substitute phone serviceis exactly what happened.Once the technology for Voice oer Internet Protocol (VOIP) was developed, it became a real threat, not that to Kingston, but other large telecoms companies such asBritish Telecom (BT).The real threat was in the cost of the service. For example, Skype offer a free telephone service to other Skype users. This is now standard among most VOIP providers. It became obvious to Kingston and other telecom providers that drastic decisions had to be made with regard to their technology strategy. 3. Bargaining cause of buyers. With the proliferation of VOIP and integrated providers, the relative bargaining power of buyers in this market is relatively strong, especially for the average consumer. They can now choose between integrated solutions, such as digital TV and VOIP services, or choose a relatively low-cost broadband only solution. The costs of these services continue to decline, as more and more suppliers compete for market share. 4. Bargaining power of suppliers.In the early days of VOIP, perhaps the
Sunday, April 21, 2019
A Risk Assessment on My Comrade's Suicide-Potential Essay
A Risk legal opinion on My Comrades Suicide-Potential - Essay ExampleI had, and march on to stick out, a good sh be of risks -- be it at school, work, home, or community for which I serve. However, there are still those risky experiences or scenarios which seemed to test my core values and character, as a whole. One token scenario, which this paper attempted to examine, is an encounter with my mates attempted suicide. Description My comrade had been deployed for the longest magazine (around six years) in Base X and considers the base his second home. Though, as a soldier, he accepted and was trained to understand the mobilized nature of a soldiers life. He still felt spur-of-the-moment after being informed of re-assignment. He was not only re-assigned to some far place, but alike singled out of our troop (since only he was qualified for the vocalismicular mission). He was to spend one utmost week with us before his re-assignment. On the first two days, I observed his cover t vaunting of depression. With these observations, I resolved to profoundly check on him. Potential Consequences Mandel (2007) defined risk as referring to the anticipate injustice associated with an event (p. 14). At that time, it was what I saw as a consequence of my comrades depression and my probable lack of intervention -- the loss of his life and the guilt-stricken me. These potential consequences plagued and pushed me not to leave him only and check on accessible firearms he could use. The Department of Health and Human Services (2001) acknowledged an various(prenominal)s responsibility to intervene in a timely and effective manner on suicide attempts (p. 78). Reflecting back, I seemed to strongly identify myself as having that responsibility. Probabilities Apart from his covert efforts in displaying depression, his words had a accordant sad tint in it. Though he tries to be elusive about how he feels or what he thinks, out-of-character comments would eventually slip. P hrases like, its never gonna be the same, or I think Im weary got followed with deep sighs and a sarcastic or cynical smile. In other words, though my comrade made an effort on sounding alright, his body language illustrate how he genuinely felt. On the days that followed, he showed signs of withdrawal. Our troop-mates would shrug at this and say that his incisively preparing to get used to it. However, I just went more suspicious. At one time, I saw him clean his rifle and though cleaning is part of our routine, I cannot help but notice the way he looked at it -- it was with reverence and gloom. All of my observations accounted to the higher(prenominal) probability of his suicidal attempt. Impact The risk factors I identified did not just have an bear upon on me and my comrade. The impact of the probable consequences will surely ricochet to his family, to our troop, and direct head. Though the possible pickings of his own life is his decision we, as part of our comrades support s ystem, do have an immense culpability in fostering a distanced environment that allows him to commit suicide. Risk Scale and Assessment On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is no risk and 10 is the devastating loss of material assets or life, my assessment of the risk involved in this solution (i.e. my intervention) is 8. If my theory was wrong (i.e. his not going to commit suicide), then he would just laugh it off, recognize me as a true, condole with comrade, and I would be extremely relieved. If my theory was right, then it would be crucial to be careful in my intervention. If I were hasty, or
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Research paper SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 and DoddFrank law on banking Essay
Research penning SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 and DoddFrank law on banking sedulousness - Essay ExampleIt encouraged full apocalypse of information to enable citizens to evaluate the worth of the debauched before investing in it. The Dodd-Frank law also seeks to tighten regulation on credit judge agencies (Simon, 1989).Whether this was achieved or not has been a subject of debate around many corners. To assess the effect of the legislation, this paper lead look at the wealth effects that surround the passage of the Act. The investors and the analysts will assess the benefits that this spot has brought to their wealth status and whether or not it brought a significant difference since its enacting. If they determine that there ar changes due to act and that the act is having positive effects in the investment business then they will assess it positively if otherwise they will give it a negative assessment. However, for the purposes of research, this paper will pay that the sha re prices of the firms that were expected to incur greater costs during compliance were negatively affected by the Act. This is beca drop their share prices fell and it has been a challenge to bring them up. The paper will assume this position following the ballyhoo that followed the enactment of the Act especially in the media. The media popularized the negative effects of this legislation to the share prices of firms (Bloomfield, 2005). To assess the effects of this legislation, the paper will consider several studies that focus on the financial impacts brought about by disclosure of financial information then engage in an independent discussion on the same (DeFond, 2004). previous(prenominal) studies indicate that financial disclosure by firms is very important to the shareholders. The shareholders need this kind of information in order to make decisions on which stocks they would invest in. It also helps the analyst by giving them the facts they can use in advising their client s. Being open to the public also helps the firm well manage its expectations. However, how the disclosure impacts on the
Friday, April 19, 2019
Humanitarian Aid as a Strategic Response Assignment
Humanitarian Aid as a Strategic Response - designation ExampleFrom this paper it is clear that some(prenominal) tragedy that is as big as that experienced in Japan that involves shocking destruction, homelessness, relocation, sudden loss of life as salutary as profound misgiving concerning the future comes with severe risks of short and long term effects psychologically. The population of Japan is among some of the oldest in the globe since more than twenty percent of its people are older than sixty-five. This people fork over a higher vulnerability in regards to medical services, food and water being disrupted as well as regular schedules of critical medications.This study discusses that the people of Japan have a culture of zeal which is considerably different from that found in the US. Additionally, Japan is a relatively small country, so in the event that disaster strikes it usually affects the entire nation. Japan is frequently hit by disasters which usually have uniform ch aracteristics with all the people in the country being apprehensive about earthquakes. Consequently, this has facilitated the establishment of a common culture of preparedness compared to other places such as the US that has a higher innovation of disasters that can be faced by particular communities as well as the people reservation up the population.Experts in emergency preparedness have shown that the people are likely to prepare for any kind of disaster only when they have experiences that convince them that the disasters are likely to affect them.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Safety And hazards of pyrotechnics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Safety And hazards of pyrotechny - Essay ca mathematical functionA pyrotechnic technician should be aware of the various measures of creating a convincing explosion while ensuring that they moderate control condition of the process. Safety refers to the situation of acquiring protection form physical, damage, harm, accidents, errors and other events that are undesirable. It is also the control of various recognized hazards to acquire an acceptable level of risk. Safety is extremely vital in give outaday life and human should be cautious under all circumstances especially when dealing with pyrotechnics (Agrawal 9).A hazard refers to a situation that poses a certain level of threat to property, health, environment, or life. mass of the risks are potential or dormant and have a characteristic of theoretical risk of harm. A hazard does non exist if it does not happen. When a hazardous situation comes to pass, people call it an incident. pyrotechny is a dormant hazard since they h ave the potential to be hazardous but do not affect the people or the environment. The key factor that leads to identification of a hazard in pyrotechnics is the energy stored that can cause damage upon release. Pyrotechnics store energy in various forms, which includes chemical, thermal, mechanical, and hot forms. Pyrotechnics are tremendously valuable in the entertainment industry and regularly used to tally various critical events.The producers or manufacturers of such pyrotechnics have a responsibility to ensure that the individuals who use them are not liable to adverse effects. They should achieve this through ensuring that they decrease the level of toxic materials in the pyrotechnics. They should ensure that it has minimal side effect to intended users. The employee who uses these pyrotechnics should also be protected since they work with them on a daily basis. Education concerning various measures of minimizing the chances of people being affected is particularly benefici al. Employees and
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Medication errors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Medication fractures - Essay ExampleIn addition misdiagnosis and fatigue charm attending to patients account to a large percentage of the errors. There are several instances throughout the checkup process where medical errors give the gate occur right from diagnosing the patient to the point where intercession is positively charged and administered by the relevant parties. Among these instances include documentation, dispensing, administering and monitoring a majority of which are carried out by nurses. This places a large responsibility on their hands and explains why medication errors and the safety of the patients lie at the bosom of being a nurse. The roles medical practitioners play in the occurrence of medical errors clearly cannot be overruled and it then goes without say, clear guide parameters and procedures lead go a long way in managing them (Clinic, 2011). This paper will abstract the cause of medical errors, its prevention how it is reported and steps that coul d be taken to ensure the safety of patients. From the advancement that human errors follow to the greatest percentage of medical errors there are two angles medication errors can be viewed from. The first angle looks at the error as being caused by human frailty. bad paid, overworked and unmotivated employees tend to overlook a number of critical issues which are crucial and if unattended amount to medical errors. Similarly human nature such as forgetfulness, not paying attention to expatiate or even negligence of laid down procedures while administering care to patients right off cause medical errors. The second approach on the contrary views these errors in the medical field as being caused by a combination of factors surrounding the institutions. There exists an array of issues among them a broken line of communication that leads to decisions amongst practitioners being made based on partial or wrong information. This approach looks at the errors as being caused by the syste ms in place and for this reason they are bound to occur unless the correct measures are taken to prevent them. Based on this, much as human error whitethorn stands as the principle cause of medication errors, the conditions surrounding nurses and other medical staff go a long way in determining the safety of patients and in the long run preventing these errors. Even though issues handled within the hospital are diverse every one of which has a unique way of solving, about errors are recurrent and tend to fall into a pattern and therefore changes in the right policies will advertently reduce the number of medical errors. Furthermore it is important to note even the most precise and the very best of professionals make mistakes and placing such errors squarely on medical officers is a definite oversight. An error could occur as early as in the diagnosis stage of a patient or during the latter stages of administering treatment and drugs. All medical staff involved in this process can be the cause of such an error and therefore are directly or indirectly affected by its effects. Patients largely sit on the receiving end of medical errors and tend to carry the burden of its adverse effects. In the case of a misdiagnosis they get the wrong treatment and will still have to seek treatment again over and above the fact that they may suffer from deadly side effects if not fatal. These additional treatment costs impact heavily on the hospitals financials. In addition the hospitals reputation is go wrong due to malpractice and possible
Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17
Reflection - appellative ExampleThe feeling was great because participating in a worthy cause of raising property to cater for childrens health concerns is good. My thought is that more funds need to be raised by conducting regular walks to cater for research activities by the childrens hospital. My reaction was positive since the event was a political program to get to touch a childs heart especially those from shortsighted backgrounds who cannot afford pricy medical bills (Voelker 12).The walk was quite a success however, the experience from it is what is vital. I noticed that few families participated. Instead, it was hardly school children. P arents should be encouraged to participate more. The event is also supposed to be expanded to separate areas in order to raise more funds. Most important is for accountability of these funds to ensure it benefits the children from poor backgrounds. The funds should go into projects that aim to ensure all children access affordable qua lity healthcare. Questions that need to be considered include was the event a success? What improvements need to be done? What impact has the awareness created and how are the funds going to be used?A number of nurses participated in the event. The experience from a nonrecreational nurses perspective was a constructive one. Nurses need to envision becoming caring so as to improve the health of the children. They have to carry out their duties with high standards of dedication through nurse research, evidence objective practice and high quality of nursing care to the kids. The nurses must place the necessitate of the kids and their families fast by ensuring they are responsible, excellent, and innovative enough and practice with respect and dignity (Voelker
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Nursing Indicators Essay Example for Free
Nursing Indicators EssayNursing indicators atomic number 18 measurable tools apply in care for. The indicators focus on the anatomical structure, process of nursing, and the overall persevering outcomes of the care received by nurses. The structure of nursing care is based on the education and certifications as well as the skill take aim the nursing staff has. Process indicators are a way to measure nursing care by means of assessment, intervention, and reassessment. The overall patient outcomes that are based on nursing indicators are nursing driven. Examples are preventing falls, preventing insistence ulcers with rotating patient in bed, and changing IVs to prevent intravenous infiltration (Nursing World, 2014). It is imperative to invite an understanding of nursing indicators and be used on a daily basis. The nursing indicators could have been useful in the case of Mr. J. If the Nurse and the CNA had known the importance of repositioning, and preventing pressure ulc ers, then Mr. J wouldnt of had the installment of the reddened area on his back. Even if the CNA had not had the proper education to recognize the beginning stages of a pressure ulcer.It should have been communicated to the RN and a proper skin inspection/assessment could have been performed. As well as the patient repositioned frequently. A patient should only be in restraints if they are a harm to themselves or others. Frequent toileting, nourishments, repositioning, as well as removal of the restraints are all nursing assessment and reassessment indicators. If the patient is at a fall risk, generally restraints arent used. A puffy nursing sensitive indicator that is apparent is the satisfaction of the patient as well as the patients family. The nurse dismissed the concerns and religious beliefs regarding the patients Jewish beliefs. Just because the patient is confused, doesnt mean its okay to dismiss the importance of the specific diet ordered. Nursing sensitive quality indica tors are an important part of establishing evidence-based practice guidelines.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Why College Education Is Important to Me Essay Example for Free
wherefore College study Is Important to Me EssayWhy College Education is consequential to me?, Its so important to me because it ONE of the well-nigh pompous thing you need in this world today to get somewhere in life, and go bad so you dejection support yourselves, and yours kids. When I see the words College Education First thing initiate up in my Mind is my Mother Smile, able to make her proud, Not to be crazy about her little baby-girl taking on this big world By herself. And to able to give her a little peace of mind that I can survive and support myself because I finished my College Education to get a Higher paying hypothesize and not Struggle. Another good reason why College Education is so important to me so I can be a Motivation for my jr. sibling also nieces and nephew to see me FINISHED College to persuade them to follow in my footsteps to help them in their accept lives, and be a inspiration for them, so that one day they realize that its not as sturdy as s ome people make it seems, that if you put your mind into it and have faith anything is possibleWhen I Finished High-school I knew that it wasnt enough, I knew a high school diploma wasnt going to get me so far, nevertheless a Job in a fast-food restaurant or a sale clerk at a local store, and maybe a Apartment that I have to work two jobs to just pay all my bills and live, thats not the life I wanted to choose for myself, so when I think about the words College Education I hypothecate myself working at good paying job with benefits or owning my OWN business, I see myself macrocosm a Homeowner and specially when I have kids able to pay for them when they go off to college.I wish kids nowadays in this generation will understand a college program line Is very important to achieve your dreams, in order to have violate life, because children today need to know with a education you can be ANYTHING in life, they can be the next President of United State Of the States if they finished college and have some motivations, so I hope for myself getting my Bachelor Degree in business show my friends and family anybody can or goback to school to Finished can be successful.A College education can get you so Far in life just with a little motivation from knowing that a better education means a better job, better self-confidence and more motivation to achieve my goals in the job c arer that I have chosen. I feel achieving a college degree will help me climb up the ladder in the job I choose when I finished getting my Degree, I also feel that going aft(prenominal) my dreams and achieving my goals and showing determination will help for my Future kids as they grow up to do the same.The virtually important things In my life is God, faith, Family, and my education to reach high to complete all my goals. Jim Rohn Quoited Unless you change how you are you will always have what you got. I really like this quote because it speaks the truth if you dont change the situation you in now, couple years later down the road youll be in the same situation procrastinating.Another Quote from Brian Tracy Quoited One of the marks of successful people is they are operation oriented. One of the marks of average people is they are talk oriented. this quote speaks to me, it saying that action speaks, you can talk, or you can prove yourself by your actions, for me my actions is getting a college education, so that I dont have to talk, but let my actions speaks for itself.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
The Baroque period Essay Example for Free
The fancy period EssayThe Baroque period was a point in m that describes the style and manner of music in atomic number 63 that extended through the years spanning from 1600-1750 C. E. (Sartorius, para. 1). The term Baroque was initially mainly used as a description of art rather than the music until the 20th century. During this era, two main musical classes were dominant, the oratorio and the opera.This term explores the similarities and differences between the two genres as well as tries to note whether all famous composers wrote both genres or were specific in their writing A striking similarities in the two genres existed and centers mainly around the time they came up. Both genres flourished and saw increased performance in the 17th century. Both genres employed the use of free rein in their performance and could thus be described as vocal pieces aimed at narrating a fiction (Grier, pp. 302)Though the two genres share similarities, their differences are also pronounc ed. The oratorio lacks stage performance and does not intrust upon the use of costumes during presentations, a defining feature of operas. Also, while the operas are mainly secular, the oratorios are mainly heavenly in their context hence their name that meansprayer hall. While operas almost constantly have a lead, oratorios rely heavily on use of chorus singers. The oratorios also relatively had a lot of recitations, something the operas did not share.While some famous composers such as Daniel Purcell writing oratoris such as Magnificant and Nunc Dimittis as well as Batch Sebastian famed for his oratorios such as libretto seemed to stick to one genre of music in their writing, some wrote both the operas and the oratorios. An example is the composer Giovanni Battista Bassani who had a set of 13 oratorios including LEsaltazione di S Croce, 1675 and IL mistico Roveto, 1681 and he also composed 13 operas most of which cannot now be traced save for Gli amori alla moda.Handel Georg, a rguably all second to Batch in composition also wrote operas and oratorios such as Judas Maccabeus and the Messiah (Gonzales Et Al, pp. 135). Work cited Gonzales, Et Al, Mapeh in Action Iv 20. Manilla Rex Bookstore, Inc. , 2008. Grier, James Don Neville, Salieris Partion. Early Music, XXIX (2) 302-304, 2001. Retrieved on quaternate may 2010 from http//em. oxfordjournals. org/cgi/pdf_extract/XXIX/2/302. Sartorius, Michael. BAROQUE MUSIC historical and geographical context. 17 May 1994. Retrieved on 4th May 2010 from http//www. baroquemusic. org/barcomp. html.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The Odyssey Theme Essay Example for Free
The Odyssey Theme EssayThe theme of identity had served as a very measurable device throughout the story of The Odyssey. Basically, The Odyssey narrated the journey of Odysseus, known as one of the great mortal who played a very significant part in the Greek Mythology. His story started since the Trojan War period. But his golden period really began after the fall of Troy. One of the key scenes which tinge the journey of Odysseus towards his home was when he successfully played a trick on Polyphemus, give-and-take of the sea god Poseidon. He attacked the creature. When Polyphemus asked to reveal his name, Odysseus said that his name was Nobody. Thus, in the midst of their fight, the creature had only shouted that he was being assaulted by Nobody. The Cyclopes then thought that nobody was attacking him hence they just neglected Polyphemus. He blinded the creature and declared that, No one could beat him non even the son of the god. Poseidon became so angry on Odysseus and swore that he would make it hard for Odysseus to go back home. The second important part of the revelation of Odysseus identity was when he revealed himself to the Phaeacians after he was mesmerized by Demodocus narration of cardinal poems which involved his own experiences during and after the Trojan War. This was important to Odysseus because upon his revelation that he was the Great Odysseus, the Phaeacians promised to help him on his way home. The third key scene was when Odysseus finally met with his son Telemachus. Telemachus was with Eumaeus but Odysseus rather kept his full-strength identity to the latter and only disclosed it with Telemachus thinking that if others would learn about his return, he would have to fleet more time planning on how he would be able to return to his home. Thus he decided that his secret should only be between him and his son. After that meeting, the father and son made plans on how to eliminate the abusive suitors of Penelope, Odysseus wife. T his plan worked effectively enabling the two to kill all Penelopes suitors. Thus, Odysseus had finally returned to his family and to his home. Though Odysseus was regarded as one of the greatest heroes in the Greek Mythology, the themes of identity and the key scenes describe earlier seemed conflicting with how a hero was perceived during the ancient times. He became some kind of big and in a way conceited when he declared that he was so great that not even the son of a god could trample him. Another was when he became so emotional and was carried away by the poems of Demodocus. A hero was said to have a heart that was not easily bent. And the exit one was when he planned to kill all his wifes suitors secretly. This seemed to be a treasonists workings for he did not declare any war against them but instead assassinating them clandestinely. take shape CitedHomer. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Faqles. Penguin Classics, 2006.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Cultural Hybrids Essay Example for Free
Cultural Hybrids EssayThere atomic number 18 many people from different countries with different cultures who want to live the American Dream. They want the idea of freedom and they feel that United States is the only country in the world who can give the people the indecorum it offers. The life of a person whom no one speaks with because of ones difference can be quite miserable. The story This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona by Sherman Alexie shows the audience how different the life of inherent Americans are compared to modern day Americans. Throughout the story, flesh out about events that happened in overlord and doubting Thomass life which combines the Indian and American side of their heritage were given. Alexie was trying to tell the readers how the Indians in the reservations want to sweep their primal American and modern American culture. Since Thomas and Victor both grew up in the reservation, they lift up a big difference their lives are compared to the modern day Americans. The first detail that illustrates my thesis was the ordinal of July celebration when Victor and Thomas were pull the leg ofs.Thomas states, Its strange how us Indians celebrate the Fourth of July. It personalt like it was our independence everybody was fighting for (16). Alexie displays how Indians try to act more Americanized in order to beseem in better with the modern American crowd. Back then, no one besides their own big businessman have spoken to them because they were different so they want to be accepted. For example, the event when they were in the airport and had talked to the gymnast, Victor says, Everybody talks to everybody on airplanes.Its too bad we cant al charge of lifes be that way (19). Alexie sends the readers a message of how in their minds, the only way that they were going to be liked was by forgetting their Native American culture and acting more like the modern Americans. A nonher particularor the author provides the audience of this hybridization was through the remains of Victors father. Alexie writes, They set him down carefully behind the seats, dictate a cowboy hat on the wooden box and a Dodgers ceiling on the unreal box. Thats the way it was supposed to be (20).The cowboy hat displays the Indian side of their heritage and the Dodgers cap conveys the American side. In this situation, Alexie provides a clear view of how the characters combine their two different cultures. It is not the fact that they are forgetting the beliefs they grew up with they blend the two cultures together to better their lives in both nation. Next was the Spokane locomote incident with Thomas and Victors father. Thomas utters, He drive me over to Dennys, bought me dinner, and then drove me home to the reservation (20). Dennys is an American fast food restaurant.The way Alexie combines the fact that they eat at a modern American restaurant and then goes home to the reservation once again shows the multifariousness of the two customs. In addition to the modern American cultures, Alexie withal shows how Victor and Thomas hold on to their Native American heritage. When Thomas and Victor were kids, they had stolen a car and parked it in front of the practice of law station. Now in the modern days, if a kid was to do this, it would be a crime and the kid would be punished. Yet the turn out for this was the exact opposite. Instead of being scolded, everyone cheers You were very valiant. Very brave (17).They even thought of themselves as warriors. Moreover, the fact that they still call each other junior also shows a way they keep their tradition alive as Native Americans. Nowadays, people do not often call each other with respect. They just call a person by their give no matter the age. The Native Americans, on the other hand, gives the people who are older a confines that shows respect. Thomas states, Everybody on this reservation is named Junior (17). Victor and Thomas were two of the youngest people that live in the reservations therefore everyone to them are called Junior. It is a symbol for elderly.Alexie uses Victor and Thomas Builds-the-fire as the representation of these two cultures. Thomas is the person who sticks to the old fashioned, Native American values while Victor illustrates the modern day Americans and scatty to fit in. Thomas is more traditional. He demonstrates the old Native American beliefs. Victor, on the other hand, lives in the present. Both holds on to their Native American beliefs while also trying to grasp the modern American traditions. Alexie clearly represented the hardships the Native Americans have had living in the poor reservations by using details about Thomas and Victors life growing up.Being judged at by the way a person is or what culture they came from is a big reason why Victor and Thomas, moreover mostly Victor, try to act more like the modern day Americans. Although some traditions were forgotten as they grew up, in many ways, t hey still held on to the fact that they are still Native Americans. Some events in their life displays Victor and Thomas turning away from their culture but still is able to look on it. No matter where a person is or who they communicate with, a culture one grew up with can never be easily forgotten.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Why I Prefer to Marry Late Essay Example for Free
Why I Prefer to Marry Late Es swanFor me, hymeneals is a promise. A promise that we give, without wanting to receive the equivalent reward. Hence, we must have enough competency to maintain this relationship. The salient characteristic of many traditional marriage systems is that women, seem to have little independence, because of learning and income. In South Asia, brides are even taken to grooms family as soon they extend into property. In this case, marrying late can provide us opportunities to fulfill and pursue our achievement in education, and whence have a better social status and income to be financially independent. In addition to be financially independent, this also give us a chance to satisfy ourselves, in accomplishing our goals in lives. And psychologists say that the want for independent success is the main reason why people are marrying at a later duration.Besides, marrying late also provides an opportunity to originate to know your future companion better . We may oft see in the news that many young people get conjoin on impulse, which is, they preceptort really get to know each other more. As George Bernard Shaw said, Beauty is all actually well at first sight but who ever looks at it when it has been in the house tierce days? When two people first met, and they had a crush on each other. In come out to show the best of themselves, they tend to hide their drawbacks . However, this lead to a serious problem that they didnt get to know more about the couple on. And as time went by, the drawbacks emerge and they have contradiction in their personality.Thats when young couple decide to get divorced. Nevertheless, marriage is a promise for me, so Id rather take time to choose the one I love and appreciate his virtue as well as imperfection, rather than presume the one we first met an object to marriage. Because Its not a game that could be quit when we later on feel tired or bored ,especially when on that point are children of u s. After all, the main function of marriage in most traditional societies is to bring up children.Moreover, because marriage is a promise for me. So Id choose to marry late so that I could enjoy a free time doing whatever I want, going wherever I like, dating whomever I appreciate without having to care about my husbands feelings. Thats the time I could broaden my horizons and meet many peoplefrom the opposite sex without a burden.According to the China daily Theres nothing wrong with a man or woman who is not married by 30. ITs not about being disrespectful to parents or to social traditions. Its for certain not a sure sign of pending poor health or psychological problems. And harmonise to an article in Helium written by Dawn Hawkins, getting married when you are junior doesnt allow you to grow as a single person quite enough sometimes, on that point are many things that you learn about yourself such as who you want to be and where you want to go in carriage as you get older . The older you are , the more chance you have of knowing exactly who you are. Marriage implies an enormous responsibility, that why marrying late offers the best advantage.And marrying late provide us time to have emotional maturity, that is very crucial in dealing the rigour of married life later. So if you are beyond 36 and still complaining bitterly why a potential mate is yet to notice you, please think it twice. There are many advantages a single life can provide rather than taking a plunge for a wrong reason. Moreover, getting married late means that we could have more tools and resources and not to mention a stable emotion carry to back on if the situation would not set well.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Companies for Social Responsibility Essay Example for Free
Companies for Social Responsibility EssayWhether made in business, politics, science, or sports, most decisions ar judged as either right or wrong, estimable or unethical. Regardless of what an individual believes about a particular action, if society judges it to be unethical or wrong, whether correctly or not, that judgment at a time affects the organizations ability to achieve its business goals. For this reason al superstar, it is authorised to understand business ethics and recognize ethical issues.ocial responsibility, an organizations obligation to maximize its positive impact on stakeholders and to minimize its negative impact. Philosophers increased their involvement, applying ethical possibleness and philosophical analysis to structure the discipline of business ethics. Companies became more concerned Bowie contends that when a business alike c ars about the well-being of stakeholders, it earns trust and cooperation that ultimately reduce costs and increase pro ductivity.24Much read shows that mixer responsibility, including business ethics, is associated with increased profitsThe opportunity that employees have for unethical carriage in an organization tin be eliminated by formal codes, policies, and rules that are adequately enforced by precaution. For example, financial companiesCompany Q is a sm either local grocery lineage chain located in a major metropolitan area. They have recently closed a couple of incloses in higher-crime-rate areas of the city, reportedly because these two stores were consistently losing money. after eld of requests from customers, all of their stores have started offering a very limited amount of wellness-conscience and organic productsall of which were high margin items. When asked by the areas food bank for donation of day-old products, management declined deciding instead to throw the food away, citing worries over lost revenues due to possible fraud and stealth by employees who mightiness say th ey are donating the food.Company Q is a small local grocery store chain. Unfortunately company Q is having a hard time with the idea of friendly responsibity, which in turn is bformer(a)ation their business. Lets first look at the definition of incarnate social responsibility. This is a terminal that means a company big or small tries to maximize its positive impact on, investors, customers and on the community. Now lets look at why Company Q is low on the prise scale of social responsibility.Company Q has three areas that could use near improvements, in the regards to social responsibility. The first one is the donation of the day old products to the community food banks. The community will look bad on the company for just throwing the day-old products out. And there is a way of placing rules and regulations on the employees so the company is not losing profits and having to deal with fraud.The second one is that the company has taken years to respond to their customers askin g for health conscience and organic products. And then after finally getting some health option the store only offers limited amounts. Because the company took a long time to respond to their customers need. The consumer thinks that the company really does not care too much on what they need or think.The third one is losing their two stores in a high-crime area that was reportedly losing money. Having two abandoned store does not give the company a good look, it shows stockholders that the company cannot flourish and survive. And alike the companys reputation with their consumers starts to go down, and less tidy sum will go to their stores.By seeing just these three areas of company Qs ethics it is gull that the company is not seeing the big picture on being social responsibly. The company is on the low end of leaving a positive impact on its customers, investor and their community.The company is not responding to the consumers ask and wants, in a timely manner and when they do, it is a low end response. The consumer will go somewhere else, and in turn the company will lose money. The community will see that the company does not even try to help to suck the area a cave in place to live. Then what take on are the leaders of the community talk with the people around them about the company and more consumer stop consonant shopping at their stores. If the company help with some charities in the area that the stores are in might get a little bit better and the crime would go down. And finally not sounding in to the reasons or trying to find solution on the stores that were having troubles.Evaluate Company Qs veritable attitude toward social responsibility. 1. Recommend three areas that could be improved regarding the companys attitude toward social responsibility.TABLE 22 Fortunes Best and Worst Companies for Social ResponsibilityBest CompaniesWorst Companies1.International report card2.United Parcel Service3.Starbucks4.Fortune Brands5.Walt Disney6.McDon alds7.Medco Health Solutions8.Herman Miller9.Weyerhaeuser10.Union Pacific1.Constellation Brands2.WellCare Health Plans3.Sears Holding*3.Dana*5.Federal-Mogul6.Beazer Homes USA*6.SC Holdco 3 (Swift Co.)*8.Dollar customary9.Brown-Forman10.DelphiThere are four levels of social responsibilityeconomic, legal, ethical, and philanthropicand they can be viewed as go (see Figure 23).34 At the most basic level, companies have an economic responsibility to be paying so that they can provide a return on investment to their owners and investors, create jobs for the community, and contribute goods and run to the economy. Of course, businesses are also expected to obey all laws and regulations. Business ethics, as previously defined, comprises principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business. Finally, philanthropic responsibility refers to activities that are not required of businesses but promote charitable welfare or goodwill. Ethics, then, is one dimension of social re sponsibility.Reputation is one of an organizations greatest in material assets with tangible value. The value of a positive reputation is difficult to quantify, but it is very important. A single negative incident can influence perceptions of a corporations image and reputation instantly and for years afterwards. Corporate reputation, image, and brands are more important than ever and are among the most critical aspects of sustaining relationships with constituents including investors, customers, financial analysts, media, and government watchdogs.It takes companies decades to build a great corporate presidency. Accountability refers to how closely workplace decisions are aligned with a firms stated strategic direction and its compliance with ethical and legal considerations. Oversight provides a system of checks and balances that limit employees and managers opportunities to deviate from policies and strategies and that go along unethical and illegal activities. Control is the pr ocess of auditing and improving organizational decisions and actions.The stakeholder model of corporate governance adopts a broader view of the purpose of business. Although a company has a responsibility for economic success and viability to satisfy its stockholders, it also must answer to other stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, government regulators, communities, and special interest groups with which it interacts.Due to limited resources, companies must check out which of their stakeholders are primary. Once the primary groups have been identified, managers must then implement the appropriate corporate governance mechanisms to promote the development of long-term relationships.47 This approach entails creating governance systems that consider stakeholder welfare in tandem with corporate needs and interests.The opportunity that employees have for unethical behavior in an organization can be eliminated through formal codes, policies, and rules that are adequately enfor ced by management.For example, financial companies dissertation Paper Outline orderI. Introduction In this section, give the reader an idea of why your paper will be important and/or interesting, what you will be arguing, and make the organization of the paper clear to the reader.a. Explanation of purpose and minimise information (optional) Explain why this topic needs to be written about (may require some background on the topic) b. Thesis statement A basic statement of your position your answer to your research question c. Expanded thesis statement A brief listing of the major points that you will make in your paper, in the order in which you will make themII. Arguments Each of your primary(prenominal) arguments can either argue a point that supports your position, or argue against something you believe is wrong. This is a lengthy paper, so ideally you will have more than three arguments to make. You should make as umteen as you can. Organize your arguments to operate from one to the next or, ideally, to put your strongest arguments first and last.d. Argument 1i. Supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. )ii. much musical accompaniment evidence (author, pg. or para. ) iii. Even more supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. )e. Argument 2iv. Supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. )v. More supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. ) vi. Even more supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. )f. Argument 3vii. Supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. )viii. More supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. ) ix. Even more supporting evidence (author, pg. or para. )III. Conclusion This section of your paper should take up and look to the future.g. Acknowledge the opposing side of the argumenth. Re-emphasize your own argument by summarizing the main points that you madei. Draw final conclusions about the strength of your positionFictional Outline for a Thesis with Parenthetical Citation in MLA FormatI. Introductiona. Backgroundi. The number of tone of v oices of ice cream produced by major companies has quadrupled over the past decade (Consumer Choice 25). ii. People debate which flavor is the best.b. Thesis High-quality vanilla extract ice cream remains the best ice cream flavor on the market. c. Expanded thesis People will continue to enjoy vanilla ice cream more than any other flavor for its simplicity, versatility, and its cultural significance.II. Argumentd. vanilla ice cream is the best because it is simple, yet never boring. iii. vanilla extract ice cream can be made with only four ingredients (Breyers 6). iv. In her new appropriate Rachel Ray argues, The flavor of vanilla is a simple, yet classic one that goes well with any repast (43). v. Despite the simplicity of vanilla ice cream, it comes in many different varieties, such as cut Vanilla, Vanilla Bean, and other delicious variations (Edys Ice Cream par. 6). e. Vanilla ice cream is better than any other flavor because it is versatile. vi. Vanilla can be eaten plain, but also goes well with many different toppings. vii. Vanilla is the most popular base flavor for Blizzards at Dairy Queen (McBurty 56).viii. Vanilla is easily made into a milkshake as well as eaten plain, which is not the case with a flavor like cookie dough (dangerous when sucked through a straw) (McKay 73). f. Vanilla ice cream has significance in American culture. ix. Chef Julia Child has written, Vanilla ice cream is one food that link up generations. I share it with my children and grandchildren each summer (16). x. Classic American movies like Back to the Future and Anne of jet-propelled plane Gables have prominently featured vanilla ice cream (Ice Cream in the Movies par. 8). xi. American presidents have served vanilla ice cream at the White House for over 200 years (Clinton 8). xii. Research has found that more Americans prefer vanilla ice cream than any other flavor (Gallup Poll par. 3).III. Conclusiong. Although chocolate is a close second, vanilla reigns supreme. h. No thing can beat vanilla ice creams simplicity, versatility, and cultural significance. i. In the future, others will attempt to beat it.j. Try as they might, no manufacturer can come up with a way to top classic vanilla.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio Paper Essay Example for Free
Prioritizing the IT Project Portfolio Paper EssayLilas Web design is a fairly upstart business. Lila has just about 45 employees, and is in the middle of interviewing for an IT put up manager. The Information Technology (IT) project will tactics an important role in Lilas business. The new IT project manager will be looking into get the Project Portfolio Management (PPM) tools. This tool will help oneself in the supporting process for helping in selecting the right project. With the new PPm all of the new project will be selected and evaluated. The PPM will also help to identify those projects that have a good success.Lilas Web design has so many factors when thinking about prioritizing the IT projects. The PPm is a very powerful tool that Lilas Web design will have. The PPM will help digest on the management of each IT projects. The new IT project manager needs to evaluate the importance and analyze the strategic objectives. The IT manager will have to take a look at Li las strategic plan. strategic plan is where the IT project manager will strengthen operations, set priorities, focus energy, and work on the super acid goal of the company. This is so that the IT project can be evaluated through the following criteria.Will the project hit or drives more revenue for the company.Will the project cut the cost of doing business?Is this project mandated by federal, country, state, and local law?Is there any competitor in business who has undertaken a similar project?The model that we will be using for helping with prioritizing information technology projects is called the Credit Union upshot on Technology (CURT) according toReferencesDenbo, Adam, and Rand. Guthrie. Prioritizing IT Projects An Empirical Application of an IT Investment Model. http//www.iima.org/CIIMA/CIIMA%20V3%20N210%20Denbo.pdf
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Ideology refers to a set of consistent ideas Essay Example for Free
Ideology refers to a set of consistent ideas EssayIndeed, it encompasses the ideas that appear dominant plenteous to give reasonable explanations to the world in such a way that it appeals to the simple mind and slew become the propelling force for his daily interactions among humans. Is defined as a form of social or blandal philosophy in which practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones.It is a establishment of ideas that aspires both to explain the world and to change it. Britannica Online Encyclopedia It can also be described as a belief system shared by a specific group of people the system determines the schema with which they see life and interpret events. It forms the basis of schema formation and modification. This refers to a system of politic that teaches a particular idea to group of people with a view to integrating their cognitive and friendly skills into such ideas.It is an attempt to sell an idea perceived to be the ideal norm to guide the perso nal matters of a clan of people towards productive living and stable community. Marx devised a base/superstructure get of participation where society is greatly influenced by the dominant force-ruling-class, especially in terms of economic factors more than anything else. This model emphasizes the major influence the ruling class has through the superstructure over the base, because of their control of economic forces. The emphasis on economic factors as a major determinant in the model has endeared it to the heart of many critics. attend to say that indeed Karl Max has contributed immensely to the understanding of ideology in relation to the areas where it has found finish politics, religion, economics, etc.REFERENCES Britannica Online Encyclopedia. http//www. britannica. com/eb/article-9106294/ideology Concept of ideology. Accessed from http//tarlton. law. utexas. edu/lpop/etext/lsf/suretsky5. htm Conceptions of Ideology. Accessed from scholars. nus. edu. sg/post/poldiscourse/m arxideology. html John, Lyne. Ideology, Accessed from scholars. nus. edu. sg/post/poldiscourse/marxideology. html.
The Four Corner Hustlers Essay Example for Free
The four ecological niche Hustlers EssayThe quaternity Corner Hustlers originated on Chicagos Westside in the early 1970s. The organization was founded by King Walter Wheat and Freddy Malik Gauge. unawares after the Four Corner Hustlers emerged, they became allied with the vice churchmans street gang, becoming a faction and adopting Vice Lord symbols and colors. The gang operated as a small free radical in the Austin neighborhood throughout the mid-to-late 1970s, often fighting area clubs and engaging in petty theft and vandalism. However, a group of Four Corner Hustlers began to operate in the Garfield Park and Austin neighborhoods. Lead by Monroe Money Banks, this group take the Black Diamond as a symbolic reference to their gang. In the late 1980s, Freddy Gauge died piece incarcerated. Walter Wheat then took over the organizations operations solely. In the early 1990s, Monroe Banks proclaimed targetership over the perfect organization but this was disputed by older high-ranking members of the gang. The tension and disagreements within the gang lead Walter Wheat to retire from the organizations leadership. Monroe Banks was later killed in a drug related murder in 1992.The 4CHs began to lard their bases of operation throughout the 1990s, growing substantially in number. A group of new-fangleder Four Corner Hustlers began to distance themselves from the Vice Lords and even rest away some of their territory, often times flipping Vice Lord members with the lure of drug spots. These Four Corner Hustlers charged a 50 percent tax on profit for the selling of narcotics as opposed to the traditional 75 percent. M some(prenominal) of these Four Corner Hustlers, whose primary(prenominal) base of operation was in Austin and Garfield Park neighborhoods used the Black Diamond. Amongst the Young Turks was Angelo Roberts.Angelo Roberts was given a leadership position in the organization by Walter Wheat due to his relationship with Wheats daughter, despite A ngelo Roberts young age. As such, disputes for leadership positions continued. Due to turmoil in leadership, Walter Wheat reassumed his position in the organization. Walter Wheat was killed in 1993 Angelo Roberts was the principle suspect in orchestrating the hit. Angelo Roberts was arrested on drugs and weapons charges in the mid 1990s. After release, Angelo Roberts attempted to blow up the Area 3 Police station with high power weapons.He even made Americas to the highest degree Wanted as authorities pursued him across the United States. Angelo Roberts was killed in 1995, his body found cold stiff in the trunk of a car. Several sets still pay homage to Angelo Roberts, adopting the moniker Angelo 4s. ray Longstreet assumed leadership of the official branch of Four Corner Hustler around the time of Angelo Roberts death. His group still contracts themselves a faction of the Vice Lords street gang, especially while in the correctional facilities. light beam Longstreet was of late released from prison in 2004 after serving a stint for drug charges.He was recently arrested again, this time by Federal authorities in Operartion Street Sweeper. The Four Corner Hustlers pride themselves in making money. The organization has grown tremendously within the last ten years or so, and pass expanded throughout the Southside and far South suburbs. The 4CHs are an off-shoot of the Vice Lords, however, on the street most members consider themselves a separate entity. Most Four Corner Hustlers now consider themselves a separate land and often show their independence with the adoption of the Black Diamond symbol, while other 4CHs who still obligate ties to the Vice Lords using the 5 point Star.However, all 4CHs align themselves with the Vice Lords while incarcerated forgoing any street antimosity. The gangs primary criminal involvement has consisted of graffiti, drug trafficking, assault, armed robbery, extortion, kidnapping, shootings, murder, and the renting out of drug sod to independent dealers. The organization has also been known to engage in the overseeing of solicitation of prostitution (pimping), the selling of misappropriated firearms, and the opening of front businesses to launder money.
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